All UConn faculty, staff or students planning international travel to a country sanctioned by the U.S. Government must clear their travel plans with the Export Control office (exportcontrol@uconn.edu) in the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) to ensure that any required approvals or licenses are in place prior to departure.
Cuba is currently a Highest Risk country (countries which have a U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions or embargoes in place).
In accordance with Export Control Policies & Procedures, due to the comprehensive embargo on Cuba, no travel can be taken without prior written approval by OVPR Senior Export Control Officer. This means no imports, no exports, no financial transactions, no trade in Cuban goods. No contact or business with certain individuals and their associations; contact the Export Control office (exportcontrol@uconn.edu) for screening of contacts.
For any further questions or additional information, please review the Export Control website.